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Year of Faith Resources


What Is The Catechism, Anyway?
As the Year of Faith has been called by Pope Benedict to honor the 50th anniversary of the opening
of the Second Vatican Council, it also coincides with the 20th anniversary of the publication of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). This makes the YOF a great opportunity to take time and dig
more deeply into the gift of the Catechism as the universal standard of our Catholic faith and as the
authentic interpretation of the Second Vatican Council in matters of faith and morals. Here are a few
ideas for educating yourself on the Catechism!
Nothing can substitute for the CCC itself. My favorite printed version is Doubleday’s CCC. You can
also find it online. And if you are interested in accessing every footnote referenced in the CCC, you
need look no further than the magisterial The Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: A
But just in case you think the original is too long, the Vatican put out a condensed version called
Nothing can match the pith and wit of Peter Kreeft, and his Catholic Christianity: A Complete Catechism
very accessible as a summary and mild interpretation of the CCC.
The CCC was written as a standard for more local catechisms to be created in various parts of the world.
The U.S. Bishops put out an engaging and interesting adult catechism based on the CCC called United
States Catholic Catechism for Adults. Very useful for study groups.
If you buy and read Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Creed by Christoph von Cardinal
Schönborn you will be getting not only a rich commentary on the CCC, but also insights from the man
whose influence loomed large in the writing and final editing of the CCC! Also look for his other two
commentaries on the Sacraments and Prayer sections of the CCC.
A wonderful and concise elaboration on the CCC’s treatment of the Commandments is The
Catechism of the Catholic Church DVD. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn presents a 6-part series that
covers the history of the Catechism, then reviews the four pillars of the Catechism: what we believe
(Creed), celebrate (Sacraments), live (Commandments) and how we pray (Prayer).
Cardinal Francis Arinze offers an amazingly complete series of commentaries on the CCC that are
available for free download at the Apostolate for Family Consecration.


Here are a few other links we think you may enjoy: 

Vatican Website Vatican Website

Please click this link to read the Apostolic Letter calling for the Year of Faith.

USCCB Website USCCB Website

Click here to view the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website related to the Year of Faith.

Catholics Come Home Catholics Come Home

Great site for those thinking about coming home to their Catholic Faith.

EWTN Year of Faith News EWTN Year of Faith News

Click this link to view updates on the Year of Faith from EWTN, the Global Catholic Network.

Catholic Answers Catholic Answers

Please click this link to visit Catholic Answers...one of the most comprehensive resources to learn more about the Catholic Faith.

Fr. Mitch Pacwa-Bible Study for the Year of Faith Fr. Mitch Pacwa-Bible Study for the Year of Faith

Find out updates on Fr. Mitch Pacwa's upcoming book The Year of Faith: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics  

CD of the Month Club CD of the Month Club

A great way to grow in your faith! See how you can help evangelize right in your parish. Click now to learn more.

YOUCAT: Youth Catechism YOUCAT: Youth Catechism
Finally. An Official Catechism For Young Adults! Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for young adults and high-schoolers, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. "I invite you: Study this Catechism! That is my heartfelt desire." -Pope Benedict XVI
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